Located in Bandlaguda, Nagole area of Hyderabad. This school had 110 students spread across class 1-5 but it had only 2 room building and 2 teachers. When our team visited the school, the roof had numerous holes the size of a cricket ball in width and bat in length which were forcing teachers to close school when it rains, it lacked piped water connection to bathrooms, lacked benches to sit on, proper lighting and operational fans, construction debris and wet waste in school ground. Being our flagship project, our team worked passionately on changing everything. Today school has new roof sheets, benches, lights, fans, and running water supply. We had the debris removed and worked with principal in warning the local residents against dumping waste. Setting up a makeshift fence helped create a safe environment for kids to play.
Located near Patancheru, Bachuguda MPPS had energy requirements like lights and fans. Our team worked with local technicians and replaced the entire electrical system. New LED lights and fans were installed in the classrooms so students eyes would strain less when the clouds loomed over the skies. Now they can breathe a little better as the classrooms are crowded. More work for improvement of school is in discussion.
ZPHS Muppalla is in the rural area of Prakasam Dist. It just had a makeshift toilet for students which were nonfunctional for years forcing the students to go home for toilet needs if not defecate in the nearby fields.So our team decided to build a toilet. By repairing decades old toilet and extending it by 20 ft to accommodate urinals,the team funded a permanent toilet that could serve the students and the faculty. By employing local workers, we are happy to empower the community as well as involve everyone in school’s development.
The rapid urban migration is affecting the overall infrastructure needs in India, and nowhere is it worse than schools. Primary schools are affected very disproportionately. There is a huge burden due to sudden enrolment in all the primary schools in major cities every summer. One such school in Mallikarjun Nagar of Nagole, Hyderabad had nearly 70 students but a single classroom. Teachers are being forced to teach half the children under a tree in the compound. The monsoon made things worse, and we decided to do something about it. So, in coordination with the school headmistress, we are funding an additional classroom adjacent to the existing one. Although it is not a complete solution for the needs of the school, this classroom would offer warmth to children in upcoming winter and little solace to parents who are worried about lack of proper classrooms.